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History of Music III

MUSC 328

images of composers



Instructor:  Dr. Vicky V. Johnson, Rm. 122

Office hours: posted on my door

E-Mail: vjohnson@tarleton.edu

Phone: Ext. 9238



Course Description

328-3 History of Music III. (3-0-WI)

Study of the history, social setting and style of Western art music during the Romantic and 20th century periods.

Prerequisite Course(s):  MUSC 327: History of Music ll or approval of department head


Required Text and Materials

J. Peter Burkholder, Donald J. Grout and Claude V. Palisca.  A History of Western Music (8th ed.), with anthology and CD recordings, vol. II and III.

You also need materials for taking notes.  I would also suggest keeping your materials in a notebook.  It will not, however, be graded.

You MUST have access to a computer for receiving e-mails, checking the Course Outline, receiving assignments, and utilizing the listening software.  There are computers available in the Fine Arts building and in the library, open at scheduled times, but it is your responsibility to access these course elements as necessary.  Your failure to do so is not an excuse for late or missed assignments, or for missing course updates or other communication.


Knowledge Outcomes

Students will become familiar with the following:

(1)       the styles, genres, and forms of European and American art music dating from 1900 to the present

(2)       the core repertory of European and American art music written between 1900 to the present.

(3)       primary source material, such as composers’ publications on music

(4)       biographical profiles of composers and performers

(5)       appropriate and inappropriate ways to write about music

(6)       the process for writing a musical analysis:  from outline to final draft

(7)       the differences between writing a music research paper and writing an analysis


Course Activities

In-class lectures, discussions and analyses

Reading, listening and written assignments


Writing Intensive

This course will satisfy one of your two upper level Writing Intensive course requirements.  Writing assignments in this course will culminate with a musical analysis.  The analytical paper will deal with a Western European or American classical composition dating from the nineteenth century or after.  Although the writing constitutes 25% of your grade (see below), you must pass this portion of the course to pass the entire course.



Grades will be determined according to the percentages below:

50%  Unit exam average

25%  Writing

15%  Daily grades

10%  Participation


Late Submission/Make-up Work/Exams

CPAs (Class Preparation Assignments) may not be submitted late

Other assignments will be accepted late at a 10% per calendar day penalty

Make-up exams will only be permitted for excused absences (see below)



Attendance is required.  Absences will only be excused  with proper written documentation on letterhead.  This includes a note from a healthcare provider in case of illness or a form signed by a sponsor (presented in advance) in the case of a University sanctioned activity.  Attendance at funerals and court appearances will also be excused with proper documentation and advance notice.   A student's absences will not change any deadline or assignment requirements.  You are always responsible for any material you miss, so check the course outline and/or consult a fellow student.  Each class will begin on time and participation points will be deducted for tardiness.


Classroom Policy

No food or drink in the classroom.

Turn off your cell phones and put them out of sight (mine and yours).  Text messaging is prohibited during class.

Attention will be given to the lesson at hand, or you will be excused from the classroom.  (In other words, no working on other homework, personal business, sleeping, etc.)

Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date specified in the Course Outline.  Late assignments will only be accepted with prior approval and then at a penalty of 10 points per calendar day.

Keep your backpacks and other personal belongings out of the aisles to ensure the safety of others.

Do not leave the room during class except for an emergency or with prior approval.

If your conduct for any reason is unacceptable, you will be asked to leave.  Do not return to class until you have made an appointment to see me and the situation has been resolved.


Students with Disabilities Policy

It is the policy of Tarleton State University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable laws. If you are a student with a disability seeking accommodations for this course, please contact Trina Geye, Director of Student Disability Services, at 254.968.9400 or geye@tarleton.edu. Student Disability Services is located in Math 201. More information can be found at www.tarleton.edu/sds or in the University Catalog.


Academic Conduct

Any student caught cheating will receive a grade of "F" for the class.  Further disciplinary action may also be brought against the guilty student.  This decision will be mine in consultation with the department head.  Cheating is serious business and the penalties for engaging in this sort of activity will be severe.  Consult the following link for further information on academic conduct as specified in your student handbook.  http://www.tarleton.edu/catalog/academic-information/academic-honesty.html


Created and maintained by Vicky V.  Johnson