Foundations of Music Education

Final Project


APA Formatting       Writing


Final Project Topics:



Artificial Intelligence in Music Education

How will AI in the form of ChatGPT or other programs that can circumvent human creativity affect music education in the future?



Assessment in Music

Should the standards be assessed to demonstrate academic viability? Can music arguably maintain a place in the core curriculum without standardized testing? 



The Cognitive Properties of Music

Where does music actually come from in our brains?  What is the process?  Why has it evolved?



Contemporary Music Project

What was it?  What was its effect?  What has resulted since?



Cultural Appropriation in Music Education

What is it? How can it be avoided when programming? Remember, no opinion. What does the research say?




Current Topics in Music Teacher Preparation

What are the hot topics in the discipline?  What is being addressed currently?  What research is involved?  What are the controversies within the discipline of music teacher preparation?



The Educational Value of Popular Music

Should it be included in standard music education?  Why or why not?  Justify your answer with current research findings.



Demographics and Musical Ecology

Research the demographics and musical ecology of a school community that is significantly different than your own.  How would these data inform the music curricula in this school?



Four Educational Methodologies:  Dalcroze, Orff, Kodaly, Gordon

Don't just summarize each.  Compare, analyze, differentiate, etc.  Consult current research findings as to their efficacy. Is one better than another in a specific circumstance?



Genres of Music Used in Music Education

What genres are used where in the US?  Consult current research for effects and implications.


The Influence of Religion in Public School Music Education

Covert or overt?  The role of the music educator?  Is there a balance?  What does research say?  Do not provide a history lesson; stick to current practice.



Music Advocacy

Must we associate music education with increased academic success?  Is that even legitimate?  Consult current literature.  What about music for its own sake?



Considering the Elitism of Secondary Music Education

Are we educating only a select few in our high schools?  Are ensemble programs to blame?  How could secondary music education be more inclusive?  What does research indicate?



Manhattanville Music Curriculum Project

What was it?  What was its effect?  What has resulted since?



Multiculturalism and Ethnocentrism in a Music Education Classroom

How might these influences affect a music classroom? How can a music educator guide their students?



Music Education in Higher Education

Should we overhaul the Music Education Curriculum?  What courses should be taught in tertiary institutions to ensure a well-rounded, professional music educator?

No personal opinions here; rely on the current literature



The Pestalozzian Philosophy of Music Education

What is it?  Where did it come from? How does it manifest in a music classroom?



Praxis Music Education

What is it?  How is it used in various contexts of music education?



Small Ensembles in the Large Ensemble World of Secondary Education?

Is it possible to involve the other 80% of students who are not in large ensembles? Where and how is it being done?  Will ensemble directors push back? What strategies can be used?



Standardized Testing in Music: Making a Case For and Against

Pros and cons?  Would it legitimize music as a core course instead of a peripheral?  What does the research indicate about testing?



The Purposes of Music

What is it actually "good for"?  What does research really say?



Tanglewood Symposium and the "Go" Project

What were they?  What was their effect?  What is the result since?



Testing Musical Aptitude

What is talent?  Can anyone be a musician?  What is required?  What does research indicate?



World Musics in Music Education

What is to be included?  Who gets to decide?  What is the result?  What does research indicate?





Note:  The notes under the titles are not intended to be questions required to be answered, but to suggest some directions that your paper might go. Please do not change the title of the paper. Remember that a 5-7 page paper must necessarily have a definite focus. Don't try to cover too much or your treatment will be shallow. If you have a question about a specific focus, ask me. Above all, the paper should be based on current research and data-driven, not opinion driven. Please consult the Tarleton library for scholarly articles. Your support should not come from Google!



The first thing you should do is to spend the time necessary to find data-driven research about your topic. I do not want to know what you think about your topic or how it applies to your specific teaching situation until your conclusion/discussion section. In your conclusion, you may (you do not have to) apply your findings to your current situation and/or give your opinion on the topic (as long as you identify it as your opinion). In that section, it is fine to use first person ('I,' 'me,' etc.)


Gather current research, synthesize this content, and report in your own words.  A direct quote should be rare. Get a good overall understanding of your topic before you begin to write. Then as you are writing, if an idea is not your own or not common knowledge, you would cite it. If a phrase is particularly stated, you may want to use a direct quote, but only for these reasons:




Research Paper Content


Format in APA style (parenthetical citations)


Cover your topic thoroughly.


Research your topic. Justify any conclusions. Opinions should be absent or kept to a minimum in a conclusion section only.


Write for clarity. You will understand your topic better than your classmates, so make sure you don't get so hung up on details that they miss the point.


Proof-read your paper for punctuation, syntax, spelling, and grammar. Speak it aloud for understanding!


Paper should be 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract, and references.


One inch margins, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font (refer to the APA Manual for other specifics)


References at the end. DO NOT use all ".com" references; use real research articles.


Parts of the Paper


Cover sheet

You've been doing this all semester, so no sweat!



Write your abstract last!! An abstract is not an introduction.  If you write it first, you will not have a good introduction.   The abstract is a very short summary of your topic and your findings.

Do not give background material here, but identify what the paper will be about.

APA:  there is no paragraph indent in an abstract.  The abstract is on a page by itself. Remember to write this last.



Nail the focus of your topic in the first sentence.  Be clear and concise.

APA:  The complete title of your paper is your heading.  Do not use "Introduction" as a heading.



Use headings (see below), but don't forget to use paragraphs. Check every sentence to make sure that it is clear and necessary toward the focus of your topic.  No tangents!  Do not put judgment statements in the body (words like should, must, needs to, important, ought to).  Save any personal conclusions/opinions for a discussion/conclusion section at the end.



This is not a "wrap up."  This is where you use your own critical thinking skills to synthesize the information in your paper and to draw some conclusions or discuss your findings.



Check your APA manual for proper formatting.  I'm still seeing mistakes!



bulletLook above under "Research Paper Content."  Did your classmates follow those guidelines?
bulletWas the paper clear and easy to understand?
bulletDid you learn something?
bullet Did your classmate cover the topic sufficiently so that you were thoroughly informed?
bulletWas the text written in a scholarly manner - formal wording and structure?



Critiquing Tips


Don't just say "good job!"


Pretend that your friend has asked you to look over this paper before showing it to their boss. Your role is to help make it as good as possible.


Be specific. For example, refer to specific pages and paragraphs as in "On page 7, paragraph 3, you used 'their' instead of 'there'." However, point out their errors, do not rewrite for them.


If you were confused or felt that you were missing something when reading a section, that is a sign that more explanation was needed or that something needed to be stated more clearly. If you had to read a paragraph more than once to 'get it,' you should ask yourself why and then offer a solution as a critique.






Note:  You must be on the Tarleton network to access articles on these sites. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Tarleton library first (www. Access to any of these databases from there requires your NTNET ID and Password which puts you on the network.


Put your search terms directly into the "Discovery @ Tarleton" search box on the Tarleton Library page.

You can also search directly from the databases listed. Here are some of my favorites

Oxford Music Online



International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text

World Cat

Note:  do not rely on webpages for your references. Use the library database for access to scholarly papers.


Writing Rubric



Performance Indicators







Paper fails to meet content requirements.

Paper appears to be hastily written

Arguments are unsupported

Exploration of the topic is superficial or contains numerous accuracies.

Movement between ideas is abrupt or illogical.

Introduction and/or conclusion are missing or incomplete.

Paper shows some knowledge of standard works in the field, but incorporates too much unsupported opinion.

Paper includes some inaccuracies.

Ideas are somewhat difficult to follow.

Introduction and/or conclusion are truncated or unclear.

Paper shows familiarity with standard works and terms in the field.

Readers may be left feeling that some aspects of the subject have not be explored.

Paper reviews what others have written about the topic.

Ideas are arranged logically.

Introduction and conclusion are clear.

Paper shows extensive knowledge of standard works and terms in the field.

Readers’ questions and objections are anticipated and answered.

Writer provides new information, clarity, or a unique perspective to scholarly discussion of topic. 

The paper is organized, logical, and supported.

An inviting introduction and a noteworthy conclusion are present.


0 points

21 points

24 points

27 points

30 points

Writing Form

Unacceptable deviation from standard usage of grammar, tense agreement, or other sentence structure elements, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Multiple errors in grammar, tense agreement, or other sentence structure elements, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Several errors in grammar, tense agreement, or other sentence structure elements, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Minimal errors in grammar, tense agreement, or other sentence structure elements, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Writing is grammatical. Words selected create sentences that are clear, varied, complete, and uncluttered. Words are explained when necessary. Tenses agree, as do subject-pronoun, subject-verb, and pronoun-reference. Words are spelled correctly; rules of punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers are observed.


0 points

14 points

16 points

18 points

20 points


Unacceptable deviation from formal language and word usage.

Significant deviation from formal language and word usage.

Some deviation from formal language and word usage.

Minor deviation from formal language and word usage.

Writing is directed toward an academic audience and is free from clichés, jargon, inappropriate colloquialisms.  Diction is formal, avoiding I and we, slang, and contractions.


0 points

7 points

8 points

9 points

10 points

Spelling Mechanics

Unacceptable number of errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Multiple errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Several errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Minimal errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers.

Words are spelled correctly; rules of punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and numbers are observed.


0 points

7 points

8 points

9 points

10 points

Use of Sources

Material from other authors appears to have been cut-and-pasted into text.

Direct quotes often used unnecessarily and/or sentence fragments copied and/or failure to cite sources.

Direct quotes sometimes used unnecessarily and/or sources sometimes inadequately cited.

Material from other authors is credited and used as supporting evidence.


Material from other authors is smoothly integrated into text.

Quotations are limited to statements that are particularly striking or examples in which the source’s precise wording is important.


0 points

7 points

8 points

9 points

10 points


Unacceptable adherence to APA style.

Many errors in APA style.

Several errors in APA style.

Minor errors in APA style.

Writing, source documentation, and references follow correct APA style.


0 points

14 points

16 points

18 points

20 points

Total points



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